Elsie Njuguna

Director of Client Service

Elsie plays a vital role within Perfected Wealth Management. She is Daniel’s right hand as well as PWM’s Director of Client Service. Elsie grew up in Nairobi, Kenya, where she was raised by entrepreneurial parents. Her love for business and entrepreneurship influenced her collegiate studies, where she double majored in Finance and Accounting from Strathmore University.

Elsie began her career in Finance in 2011 with Bank of America, and then transitioned to Wealth Management in 2014. In 2015, she played a crucial role in launching Perfected Wealth Management - a defining moment for her career. At the heart of her current position is a sincere care for PWM’s clients, understanding that this care underpins the success of PWM. She is also an incredible teammate who is very dependable, works diligently, and consistently goes above and beyond.